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治 也 平 寇的英文

"治 也 平 寇"怎么读


  • prachya pinkaew
  • "治"英文翻译    rule; administer; govern; ma ...
  • "也"英文翻译    also; too; as well; either; ...
  • "平"英文翻译    flat; level; even; smooth
  • "寇"英文翻译    bandit; invader; enemy
  • "寇" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(强盗或外来的侵略者) bandit; invader; enemy 敌寇 the (invading) enemy; 海寇 pirate2.(姓氏) a surname 寇准 kou zhunⅡ动词(敌人来侵略) invade 寇边 harass border area; 入寇 invade (a country)
  • "治" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(治理) rule; administer; govern; manage 统治 rule; govern; 治校 run a school; manage a school; 治国 administer a country2.(医治) treat (a disease); cure; heal 治好创伤 heal the wound; 蜂皇精治神经衰弱很有效。 royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion. 青霉素治好了他的肺炎。 penicillin cured him of pneumonia. 医生治好了她的病。 the doctor straightened out her trouble.3.(消灭害虫) wipe out; eliminate 治蝗 eliminate locusts; 治蚜虫 exterminate aphis4.(整治) harness (a river); regulate; control 治淮 harness the huai river; tame the huai river; 治水土流失 control soil erosion5.(惩办) punish 处治 punish; 治死 punish to death; 大家决定治治他。 we've decided to teach him a lesson.6.(研究) study; research 治经 study classics; 专治宋史 specialize in the history of the song dynastyⅡ形容词(安定或太平) stable and peaceful 治世 peaceful and prosperous timesⅢ名词1.(旧称地方政府所在地) seat of a formerly local government 省治 provincial capital; 县治 county seat; 府治 seat of government2.(姓氏) a surname 治国器 zhi guoqi
  • "平" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(没有高低凹凸, 不顷斜) flat; level; even; smooth 把纸铺平 smooth out the paper; 让病人躺平 help the patient to lie stretched out; 地板很平。 the floor is quite flat. 桌面不平。 the table is not level.2.(高度相同; 不相上下) on the same level; equal 积雪与窗子相平。 the snow is even with the window. 那些孩子要与大人们平起平坐。 those children want to be level with adults. 树梢和屋顶齐平。 the tree top is level with the roof.3.(平均; 公平) equal; fair; impartial 持平之论 a fair argument; an unbiased view; 平分 divide equally4.(安定; 宁静) calm; peaceful; quiet 心平气和 even-tempered and good-humoured; calm; 海上风平浪静。 the sea was calm.5.(经常的; 普通的) average; common 平日 on ordinary days; 学习成绩平平 have average school resultsⅡ动词1.(使平) level; even 把地平一平 level the ground; 农民们平了三百英亩地。 the peasants have levelled three hundred acres of land.2.(在比较时没有高低、先后) be on the same level; equal 平世界纪录 equal a world record; 水已经平了河岸。 the water has been on the same level with the banks.3.(抑止怒气) pacify; assuage; calm down 平民愤 assuage popular indignation; 为民平愤 redress the grievances of the people; 经他一解释, 老太太的气也就平了。 his explanation soothed the old woman's anger.4.(用武力镇压; 平定) put down; suppress 平叛 put down a rebellion [revolt]Ⅲ名词1.[体育] (平局) make the same score; tie; draw 场上比分是七平。 the score is now seven all. 双方打成十五平。 the two teams tied at 15-15. 这场足球最后踢平了。 the football game ended in a draw.2.[语言学] (古汉语四声之一: 平声) level tone, one of the four tones in classical chinese3.(姓氏) a surname 平涛 ping tao
  • "也" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ副词1.(表示同样) also; too; as well; either; likewise 不哭也不闹 (a child) neither cries nor makes any trouble; 你不去, 我也不去 。 if you're not going, i'm not going either. 他说法语, 也会说西班牙语 。 he speaks french, and spanish as well. 他也会游泳。 he can also swim. 我也是教师。 i'm a teacher, too. 中国是一个社会主义国家, 也是一个发展 中国家。 china is a socialist country, and a developing country as well.2.(叠用, 强调两事并列) as well as 操场上也有打球的, 也有跑步的。 some of the people on the sports ground are playing ball games, and some are running. 她也会打篮球, 也会打网球。 she can play tennis as well as basketball.3.(叠用, 表示无论这样或那样;不以某种情形为条件) 你去也得去, 不去也得去。 you've got to go , whether you want to or not. 他左想也不是, 右想也不是。 he just couldn't make up his mind either way.天好我们也干, 天不好我们也干。 we never stop working, rain or shine.4.(表示转折或让步, 常跟上文的“虽然 、即使”等呼应) 即使失败十次, 我也不灰心。 i'll never lose heart even if i should fail ten times. 你不说我也知道。 you don't have to tell me. i know already.5.(表示委婉等语气) 也只好这样了。 we'll have to leave it at that. 这袋土豆也就一百斤。 this sack of potatoes weighs a hundred jin at most.6.(表示强调, 常跟 “ 再、 一点、连” 等字连用) 等了半天也没见他来。 we had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn't turn up. 他病得一点也不想吃。 he is so ill that he doesn't feel like eating anything. 我永远也不会忘记听她唱那支歌时的情景。 i shall never forget hearing her singing that song. 现在连偏僻的山区也用上了拖拉机。 nowadays tractors are used even in remote mountainous regions. 再冷的天我也不怕。 i can stand colder weather than this.Ⅱ助词[书面语]1.(表示判断、 解释等语气) 陈胜者, 阳城人也。 chen sheng was a native of yangcheng. 非不能也, 是不为也。 it is not a question of ability but one of readiness.2.(表示疑问或反诘的语气) 何也 ? how is that?; why so? 是可忍也, 孰不可忍也 ? if this can be tolerated, what cannot?3.(用于句中, 表示停顿) 地之相去也, 千有余里。 the place is over a thousand li away.4.(表示嘱咐) 不可不慎也。 you must be very careful.5.(表示感叹) 何其毒也! how pernicious!Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 也伯先 ye boxian
  • "基 治" 英文翻译 :    nicolas cage
  • "市川 治" 英文翻译 :    ichikawa osamu
  • "治 (州)" 英文翻译 :    orange county, new york
  • "(顶面)平" 英文翻译 :    flat position weld
  • "平,冲" 英文翻译 :    flush
  • "即使…也" 英文翻译 :    even if =even though
  • "没有…也" 英文翻译 :    do without
  • "象,也" 英文翻译 :    alike
  • "也, 又" 英文翻译 :    as well as
  • "也,还" 英文翻译 :    too ad
  • "也,又" 英文翻译 :    as well
  • "也,此外" 英文翻译 :    as well
  • "也,而且" 英文翻译 :    likewise
  • "也,还有" 英文翻译 :    as well (as )
  • "也,同样" 英文翻译 :    as well
  • "也,一样" 英文翻译 :    as well
  • "也;并且" 英文翻译 :    also
治 也 平 寇的英文翻译,治 也 平 寇英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译治 也 平 寇,治 也 平 寇的英文意思,治 也 平 寇的英文治 也 平 寇 meaning in English治 也 平 寇的英文治 也 平 寇怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。